Unleash the power of virtual teams with Tröst Global. Our expert approach to remote workforce management maximizes productivity and innovation

Tröst Global


Tröst Global specializes in crafting teams that foster growth, aligning with your unique work culture.

Experience the impact of our customer-centric approach, providing tailored recruitment solutions that facilitate your specific needs.

Success with Tröst

Over the past six months, we've streamlined our process, taking just an average of 4.1 days to present candidates and a mere 9.6 days to seal the deal with hires. Out of the 1,980 candidates we've introduced, we've successfully filled 49% of vacancies, translating to a hiring rate of 43%. That's 849 talented individuals now on board! Our results testify to our dynamic approach to connecting you with the top remote talent you deserve.

Out of the 1,980 candidates we’ve introduced, we’ve successfully filled 49% of vacancies, translating to a hiring rate of 43%.

Hire Tröst: Unlock Success with Remote Teams in Colombia, Boosting Efficiency and Reducing Costs.

5,000+ succesfully managed employees

100+ clients

10,000+ skilled candidates

Benefits of choosing Tröst

Up to 40% savings from the start.

Cost Reduction

Flexibility & Scalability

Adjust team size in 5-10 days.

Risk Reduction

Legal risks transferred to Tröst.

Easily set up your virtual team in our fully equipped workspace. We provide a reliable infrastructure to support your team and make sure everyone can work together seamlessly.


We carefully select talented individuals who are a good fit for your company. We take the time to understand your needs and find candidates who match your organization’s work culture and job requirements.

Work Culture

Our flexible process allows us to adapt to our clients' changing needs. We work closely with them to make sure we meet their goals every step of the way.


Talent-sourcing expertise

Hiring the right people is important for success, but it can be challenging. That's why we offer help with finding and hiring the best talent. We guide our clients through the process, from finding candidates to interviewing and making job offers.

Stay connected with your team through our platform. This helps build trust and allows for constant communication and growth.


Continuous improvement is at the core of our philosophy. We highly value feedback from our clients and team members, which we use to enhance our processes and services. Our ultimate aim is to exceed expectations and deliver the best possible results for your business.


Client Focused

We put our clients first and take the time to understand their needs and culture. This helps us create solutions that not only solve their problems but also help them succeed in the long run.


"Our mission is to revolutionize how companies recruit and manage remote teams, empowering them with tailored solutions for enhanced efficiency, cost reduction, and sustainable growth."













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